Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday in St. Louis

We had a great time of worship with our new friends at Clayton Missionary Baptist Church (not Ron Randel's home church, as we had thought).  

Here is a drive by of Busch Stadium the home of the St Louis Cardinals.

 We arrive at Brian, Monica, and Parker's home in Glen Ellyn, Illinois for more fun and family time.
Monday in downtown beautiful Naperville, Illinois the number one most desireable place to live in the U.S.A.
(can't you tell by our faces)
Cooling off our grandson Parker, as we enjoy 90 degree temperature with 80 percent humidity (but feels like 100 plus) you know, "Wet Heat".


gretchen said...

looks like you're having such fun! (parker, on the other hand.....)
so glad you'll be getting to spend time w/the gees--relax and have fun. don't overdo in the heat and humidity.

Leah said...

Hahaha, Parker's face cracked me up in the Naperville pic. Wow, sounds really hot out there! Wish I could be with all of you guys!