On Memorial Day we caught the train in from Wheaton and hopped on the "L" to Wrigley Field for a fantastic ball game. Cubs win!

yummm............world famous Chicago dog! Maybe Tom will become a Cub fan, at least on Chicago turf.

Dad and Daughter in Downtown

I'm so jealous... nothing this side of heaven like a sunny day at the friendly confines of Wrigley Field... sounds like you had a great experience on the L train and all...
I love the close-up of you and the hot dog... you make a cute couple! Great shot Lorraine!
Tom, have I ever told you that you look good in a Cub hat?
I don't really have anything else to say that's remotely clever, just thought it's more fun for you to see a bunch of comments on your blog site.
hey you guys: we're jealous of all the fun you're having while we're stuck in this horrib.....oh yeah, that's right.....we're in a pretty wonderful place too!
we do miss you mucho grande and are enjoying the swell pix. feel free to come home any time now. b&g
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