As we say goodbye to Cody we are once again amazed with the beauty of Wyoming and give thanks to God for letting us enjoy His creation.

Traveling west we enter Yellowstone and were surprised to find it so very chilly.....

See what I mean?

Here's a view of frozen Lake Yellowstone and several hot steaming fissures on the shoreline.

Driving a little further into the park we turn a corner and find this mama and baby right on the side of the road causing a bear jam. The Park Ranger was slowing down the traffic and we had a front row seat to watch the bears 20 feet from our car. So cool!

Mama and baby crossed the road safely thanks to the Park Ranger.

Old Faithful lived up to it's name and spewed it's steamy spray high in the sky. However it wasn't quite hot enough to heat up the day so we headed south to Jackson Hole.

Hoping it will be warmer there when we get down from this 8391 feet elevation. What is the continental divide anyway?
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